Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Allez roadblocks and progress

I had made good progress on the Allez tear down but non drive side crank bolt simply refused to come off and I was concerned that I was rounding it off.   I decided I would take it to my local shop.  I normally handle most everything I need to do on a rebuild but I am happy to go to a shop when I hit a road block where I am concerned I could make matters worse.

I the meantime I dealt with the headset, headset cups and the bottom cable guide to get the tear down as far as I could.

As expected it took the wrench at Alki Bike and board about 5 minutes with his deep socket to get the bolt loose.  He even took off the crank arm for me.

I asked what I owed and he said nothing, and then jokingly said a six pack of Rainier, I asked if he didn't want something more upscale and he said no we like Rainier.  Since the shop is next to a Safeway I dropped the frame at my car and bought a six pack of Rainier for the wrenches.  He seemed surprised but pleased when I walked back in with a paper bag with this six pack in it.   This bike attracts six packs of beer like a magnet!

Ride. Treat your shop right. Smile. Repeat.


  1. Treat your LBS right, indeed.

    Good bike karma move, Ryan!

    1. I was happy to do it Josh and people have been generous with me when I help with bike related stuff so it was nice to pass it on.
