Sunday, August 11, 2019

Weekend odds and ends

I had a goal this weekend to ride my bikes, nothing long or epic just getting out and riding.  On Friday I rode the Cresta GT to the local French bakery for a baguette my contribution to a group dinner.  It was nice to get some saddle time on the GT again.

On Saturday I choose the Handsome Devil as transport to a neighborhood BBQ with a pannier for the Six pack of IPA I was contributing. 

And today the Moto_GT got the call for a ride to the Farmers market.  A pannier allowed me to bring back a bounty, but first of course I had to make a stop at the pub...

where I got an Entire wood aged stout from Pike, in Seattle WA.

From the market I got smoked salmon, a fresh peach and black berries, what is August without fresh black berries? and a loaf of German Rye from the bakery. It made for a nice little feast.

I have also been fiddling with getting the shifting on the Rock Hopper to work.  Plan A) was to get the existing Deore LX shifter to work but none of the tricks I learned in the videos I found worked so I went to Plan B) which was getting a new shifter pod, I found a used Deore XT at bike works.  So far, however, plan B has gotten no farther than plan A, I haven't abandoned it yet but I am going to put it aside for now.  I have a Plan C but that will be more work so I will save that for a separate post if it comes to that.

I put the Trek 420 in the stand with the hopes of getting it torn down this week and getting a fair bit of work done on it this month.  When I picked up the 520 that made the 420 a bit redundant to the idea is to fix it up and sell it on.  I will be doing a few twists with this bike I haven't done on a vintage rebuild yet but mostly it will be stock.

Ride your bike(s). Smile. Repeat.

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